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秉持朝陽精神 齊心共創輝煌—創辦人/董事長楊天生28周年校慶講話


Hello Everyone!
I am grateful that the time for the school anniversary has come again. This year marks the 28th anniversary of Chaoyang. Looking back on the journey, from tough early days to glorious achievements of Chaoyang, reminds me of the ambition I once had, and I am still holding it today.
Remember your ambition when you were young and your promise to become the best. That is my original intention when establishing Chaoyang. Since the first day, I have laid the foundation pragmatically, step by step, pledging to make Chaoyang a first-class institution. Putting together all possible efforts, resources, and the endeavor of former excellent presidents and faculty, today, I am proud to see the brilliance of Chaoyang. That is not the end, and we will achieve further success if we work hard and stay together.
Today is a time of great happiness. I wish you all peace, good health, and a blessed family. Thank you.
創辦人/董事長楊天生(Dr. Tien-Shen Yang, Chairman of Trustee Board, CYUT) 謹啟 2022年3月18日