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締建辦學佳績 成就世界級大學—校長鄭道明28周年校慶講話

時間的巨輪往前滾動,今年朝陽邁入第28年,經由這28年的辦學歲月鍛鍊,績效與校譽賡續穩健成長。既看到學校一貫堅定育才的角色與責任,同時看到璀璨遠景與因應多元挑戰的自信和能耐。回首我校師生屢創佳績,讓人欣喜。於國際名校排榜方面,連續5年榮登英國泰晤士高等教育(THE)全球最佳大學,進榜世界大學影響力、全球最佳年輕大學、全球新興經濟體大學、亞洲地區最佳大學、全球電腦科學領域、全球工程領域等前排序列,以及榮登英國高等教育調查機構Quacquarelli Symonds (QS)2022年亞洲地區最佳大學451-500,同時連續5年蟬連世界百大綠能大學,細數此等佳績,均歸屬於朝陽全體教職員生攜手合作努力的成果。
朝陽辦學已屆成熟階段,我們融合在地社會文經特色,已立足紮根於台灣,從而贏得國人信賴及獲致國際辦學績優評比。近年間所展現出的創意創新教學特色;增聘多位國內外頂尖學者加入研究與教學行列;爭取更多國際菁英學子前來深造;擴展畢業學子職涯國際移動,都在在彰顯出本校的學術影響力,這些努力與精進,均為朝陽永續辦學而持續實踐。在迎接朝陽28歲生日前夕,特以專函鼓舞師生共進共勉,策勵來茲。祝福大家  平安順利!

Dear faculty and students,
March is the season for spring blossoms. The earth put on colorful costumes, and life is alive everywhere. It is also a time when Chaoyangers celebrate great happiness.
Times flies, and I am grateful to see the achievements and reputation of Chaoyang are steadily growing in the past 28 years. I see perseverance and responsibility, and I also see the glorious vision and the confidence and resilience we share. It is always joyful looking back our past achievements: we enter the renowned World University Rankings of the Times Higher Education, the Impact Rankings, the Best Young University Rankings, Emerging Economies Rankings, Asia Best University Rankings, Computer Science Rankings, and Engineering Rankings; we rank 451-500 in the Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) World University Rankings and top 100 in the UI GreenMetric World University Rankings. Each success belongs to our faculty and students who work hard to achieve.
When we toast the 28th birthday of Chaoyang, we also celebrate the opening of the Shih Hsuan Aviation Building. The establishment and unveiling of this new construction symbolize our close connection with the world. We lead ahead of other higher vocational and technical institutes in curriculum innovation, research achievement, industry-academia collaboration, career development, academic exchange, and talent recruitment. Upholding ambition and determination, we are confident that we will soon become a world-class university. It also boosts our vigor and competitiveness for the next milestone, the 30th anniversary of Chaoyang, to come.
The world is in turmoil. The pandemic, China-US trade war, natural disaster, and the Russo-Ukrainian war lead to travel restriction, GPI fluctuation, and drastic hits on the economy and livelihood. Locally, we face low fertility rates and population aging. I wish we could hold on tight to the following directions and work on it:
1.Develop observation skills and adaptability. Think and observe from different perspectives. That will help us get missions done, face difficulties, and strengthen capabilities. We can apply it in changing the way of teaching, innovating teaching materials, discerning research topics, grasping student coaching skills, and participating in socioeconomic construction. In other words, observation can help forecast opportunities and potential threats, and adaptability can help adjust one’s mode of thinking, connotation, and work inertia. By doing so, we can assure that our efforts fit with people’s well-being.
2.Understand how climate change affects humans and technologies. Humans explore and consume natural resources, but at the same time disturb and damage the harmony with nature. Nowadays, it is a global concern to avoid the destruction from extreme weather, and it is also a hot research topic in school. We can contribute our talents to reduce carbon emissions and achieve global sustainability. For example, reduce energy consumption in engineering technologies, apply green material in product design, and educate students to live with fewer material possession.
3.Acknowledge the limitless globalization and business power. Information technology, network communication, and artificial intelligence are widely adopted in business operations and personal life, gradually replacing laborious tasks and ways of living. Human needs on safety, convenience, and efficiency are prime concerns in learning and applying knowledge. Teachers and students should keep stepping up language ability and professional skills in the face of global business trends and keen competition. It can help develop careers and achieve job satisfaction, enjoyment of life, and fulfilling interpersonal connections.
4.Chaoyang is a well-established university. We integrate social, cultural, and economic characteristics and ground our feet in Taiwan, winning local and international recognition. We demonstrate our creativity and innovation in teaching and recruit top scholars to elevate research capability. Also, we increase the intake of international students and expand work abroad opportunities for graduates. Together we continue excelling and contributing to the sustainability of Chaoyang. On this special day, I encourage faculty and students to support each other for a brighter future. I wish you all the best.
校長鄭道明(Dr. Tao-Ming Cheng, President of CYUT) 謹啟 2022年3月18日